Happy Views Day!
To honor my one-year commitment to reveal one “Get to Know the Author’s Backstory,” here is #3.
Favorite color combination: Lime green and royal purple or mint green and lilac.
Happy Views Day!
To honor my one-year commitment to reveal one “Get to Know the Author’s Backstory,” here is #3.
Favorite color combination: Lime green and royal purple or mint green and lilac.
I’m sometimes amused by which details authors include in their published content. One of my editors reminds me if any word doesn’t move the plot, delete it. I read the book of Chronicles and it’s heavily weighted with names and numbers. When I read Chronicles and Numbers in the bible, I typically skim much of…
Thank you to Rita M. Reali, internationally awarded author, who featured my latest book, “Knee Deep” in her weekly “Persnickety Proofreader” column. I encourage you to check out the other talented authors who write a variety of genres. The bi-weekly FROG Blog will follow on Friday, Christina A Celebration of Independence… from Big Publishers |…
This week, I began inviting young authors (ages 7-16) to share their learning-to-trust through life’s experiences. Their adventure stories will be part of book #4 in the 5 book FROG Blog series. Tadpoles, a smaller version of the FROG Blogs, will follow a 300 words or less pattern. Currently the FROG Blog books are written…
Rita Reali, JC and his layout/publishing team are finishing my most vulnerable writing assignment, Knee Deep. Red Paint Spilman is busy in his art studio creating this cover while Dottie Justice, Peaches and a small circle of others are part of my advisory team. They allow me to brainstorm my diverse project ideas and offer…
May Day! This month, Knee Deep: A Nine-Month Whirlpool of Handwritten Letters to the Creator will be published. It’s my most courageous and vulnerable writing so far. I’ll post store links when the book becomes available. Until then, I practice fervent peace! Grateful for your support on the lily pad of life, Christina
“People insulted Christ, but he did not insult them in return. Christ suffered, but he did not threaten. He let God, the One who judges rightly, take care of him.Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross so we would stop living for sin and start living for what is right. And you…