As you are doing your Christmas shopping, I suggest this trinity of gifts.
Just as the Magi brought 3 gifts, I hope these will be your earthly gold, frankincense and myrrh for people’s literary collection.
Books by Christina M. Eder

Life’s Too Short for Dull Razors, Cheap Pens, and Worn Out Underwear
Christina’s first book Life’s Too Short for Dull Razors, Cheap Pens, and Worn Out Underwear is her response to a double-dog dare to write a book about what she thinks about while she runs. Written with courage, humor, inspiration, and unashamed personality, she requested her book’s publishing date to be (appropriately) April 1st. Available on Amazon and Kindle.

FROG Blog, Life on a Lily Pad
FROG Blog, Life on a Lily Pad is the first of the FROG blog anthology series. This book includes 77 one page stories from Christina plus 23 authors’ stories who uniquely describe their delicate slice-of-life experiences. Available on Amazon and Kindle

Unthawed: Lessons from a Frozen Lily Pad
Just published! Unthawed: Lessons from a Frozen Lily Pad is the latest release in the FROG Blog series. It is a book of stand alone chapters that include courageously unique perspectives about personal experiences in 500 words or less. Full of honesty, variety and adventure!
12 authors join me on this lily pad of life lessons and blessin’s to share their (sometimes raw) insights from what they’ve gained through “creative adaptation.” We openly (sometimes painfully), tell how we’ve been invited to change course and recover from our original expectations. Available on Amazon, Kindle, and through Barnes and Noble