I consider an optimist as someone who steps in a manure pile and sets off to search for the pony who left a natural trail.

Paul represents optimism in 2 Timothy 3. He began this chapter with warnings about last day occurrences. Unforgiveness, abuse, pride, and misguided lovers. He chose to rise above the stench of the worldly muck.

He wrote, “You know about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose.” He demonstrated that his witness was surrounded by fresh air. Paul continued, “my faith, patience love, endurance” (2 Tim. 3:10). I smell Paul’s humble blend between manure and pony. He didn’t disclose specifics from his anguish in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, but began his letter with triumphs over tribulation.

I admire how Paul showcased seven “ponies” (his teaching, way of life, purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance) before he addressed the manure piles (his persecutions and sufferings).

I want to run life’s derby with the intense horsepower Paul jockeyed. He led his race with strong legs and devoted heart. He knew he’d experience tail winds, yet he chose to ride with determination. He entered God’s arena to qualify toward a blue-ribbon prize.

I’ve recently contemplated my life mission for the second half of this earthly adventure. “Lord, make my sole pursuit to encourage every person in my path today. I will deliver gentle kindness and generosity via Pony Express. I’ll spread sunshine, one smile at a time.”

Readers! Your turn!

What is your one or two sentence mission statement?

What are tangible ways you’ll practice this personal declaration?

In search of mustangs,


You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings—what kind of things happened to me…the persecutions I endured (2 Tim. 3:10-11).

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One Comment

  1. My Mission Statement:

    I am a keeper of memories.
    I distill and share memories in my art and writing.
    My work reveals things forgotten, lost, or unseen.

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