Talk about an encore presentation!
I’ve read Luke’s account of the transfiguration countless times. Today I received a mountaintop experience of my own.
Jesus took Peter, John and James to pray with him and talk about his pending death. They were on a mountain when a flash of lightning appeared. Moses and Elijah joined them “in glorious splendor” (Luke 9:30).

I’m unsure what glorious splendor looks like, but what bolted me into revelation was the appearance of Moses and Elijah. They had already died, yet in Luke, he recounted how Moses and Elijah paid Jesus and his three apostles an electrifying revelation.
On earth, Moses led a large group of doubters and naysayers to the Promised Land. Moses followed God’s lead but never saw the harvest of his labor. Meanwhile, that skeptical group received the reward of Moses’ forty-year guidance. Moses trusted God’s guidance, despite his fate before fruition.
Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, Elijah prophesied that the Savior would come. People ridiculed him, but Elijah’s proclamation remained steadfast. He didn’t see Jesus until after he died, but persisted to speak what God told him.
Moses and Elijah starred in this cameo appearance on the mountain to show that their dedication to Wisdom paid off. They may have been curious or cautious, yet trusted God’s lead. Moses and Elijah invested temporary pressure to redeem God’s eternal gifts after they retired from earth. God saved His best for last. He saved His best to last.

Days include rugged terrain and high altitudes. Sometimes my climb resembles one step at a time. Sometimes I can only muster one toe of a step. While others may not see my struggles and successes, I need to remember God sees all.
Like Moses and Elijah, I don’t know what awaits after I leave this temporary mission field. Sometimes God’s voice is inaudible and I’m unclear how to follow Spirit. I anticipate an immortal elevation, so I forge ahead.
Jesus, thank you for your revelation, especially when I’m blinded by lights and shaken by thunder. Guide me to see water in deserts. Encourage me to rise above self-doubt and world pressure. Until I see you in glorious splendor, help my unbelief.
Love from the mountains of Tennessee,
Readers. Your turn!
When have you followed inner wisdom, even though it didn’t make sense to world logic? What was the result?
I invite you to comment so we can encourage each other one toe, one step at a time!
Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus (Luke 9:30).
I am glad I found this post today. This year started out with big challenges that began 3 months earlier. I chose to stay calm, and my word for this year is Peaceful. That means, no matter what happens on the mountain top, or on the climb to get there – I will remain steadfast. I am reading, just a chapter at a time, the letters that Paul wrote to the churches. I am discovering so many treasures and learning so much each morning in my prayer and reading time with the Lord. I love your invitation to discuss our revelations and it would be wonderful for others to also join in on the conversations.
I trust God to grant you peace. I trust God to have my writing speak to who He wants to hear it.
I’m inspired by how you chose and choose to REMAIN steadfast. I have a friend who added to her Amen: “Whatever happens, Amen.”
With support for your discoveries, Christina