I’ve gained on-the-job training through the tedious process of grief. I’m rocked with a gravel pit of emotions when I lose people, animals, health and jobs. As a nature lover, I’ve sometimes felt sadness after trees have been cut down. I cringe when I see land, especially farmland, buried alive under concrete that promises “building development.”

However, I’m lily pad green when it comes to dealing with the closure of our small-town library. It’s been temporarily “quarantined for 19 reasons” since March (I avoid speaking overused buzz words to describe this worldwide 2019-2020 experience).

Image result for free pictures of library

Our library joins other libraries in their quest to house abundant resources. It provides a home for tutoring, workshops, author book signings, and hosts community events. There’s a small transient community that relies on this library as a shelter from inclement weather.

The staff greets everyone with a smile, often by first name. They are richly generous to the poor people who need computer help and research advice. (Word out on the street is that Christina M. Eder offers these caring library workers ample job security for their technological expertise)!

Since March, I’ve realized I anticipated the days when a volunteer took his dog to the children’s room to read “Tall Tales” for story hour. Since the library is across the street from our middle and high school, students could participate in their after-school programs with snacks included.

See the source image

I’m discovering that through a closure, there’s an opening of appreciation. I realize how much I miss our library community, events, staff and resources. Patrons can go online to attend virtual workshops and check out materials, but it’s not that valuable face-to-face interaction I embrace. In its absence, I’ve become more present with thankfulness. I’m eager for its doors to re-open.

For now, I pen this temporary eulogy and trust that the library hasn’t permanently checked out. While we’re on hold and unsure of its due date, I’m believing in its resurrection. Until then, I shelve my gratitude for all libraries and staff.

Closing today’s chapter of the FROG Blog,


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