My word of this year is YET. I’ve become aware of how often YET plays into my life. For example, I haven’t seen x or y YET. Or, I thought my day would include a and b, YET.

When I allow myself to be open to possibilities, I find something better, different, or new can occur (and I’m less irritated when things go differently than I expect). I’ve become alert to how often the bible references the word yet. YET the people. YET God.

Isaiah 43 reflects several examples. God asked one thing, YET the Babylonians did something else. God hoped the Babylonians would respond differently, YET.

God guided, observed, and waited for Babylonians to live for His standards. They remained oblivious. They withheld their minimal sacrifice. God didn’t ask for lavish gifts, but he did expect their attention.  

Finally, God responded to the Babylonians’ disrespect and neglect. “I didn’t expect expensive presents. But you didn’t even do the minimum-so stingy with me, so closefisted. Yet you haven’t been stingy with your sins. You’ve been plenty generous with them-and I’m fed up (Is. 43:24 MSG). YET.

I’m prone to a YET crowd when it comes to selfishness in certain areas. I can be open-handed with money and possessions, YET when I’m asked to expend time, I become a tightwad. God gives me 1440 minutes each day. He gives me health. He gives me skills YET I fight greediness when I want all 1440 minutes to line up with my ideal.

My sins don’t include theft, YET I steal from God’s time share when I short-change someone’s call or ignore a request that I’m qualified to fulfill.

I may not have a history of adultery, YET I have commitment issues when I flirt with distraction. I break my vow with God, my first love, to chase goals that won’t be faithful for eternity.

I cringe when I’m confronted with my shortcomings YET God doesn’t shrink when I don’t show up the way he wants. Isaiah confirms, “I don’t keep a list of your sins. So, make your case against me. Let’s have this out. Make your arguments…” (Is. 43:26 MSG). Relief! God wants me to address him with my woes and blows.

Previously, I’ve read Isaiah 43 and felt shame or condemnation YET this morning I gained a layer of understanding. God made weak so He can be generous.

I hesitate to post this. It’s difficult to expose my weaknesses YET God nudged me, basically saying, “I have a reader who needs to hear this.”

I close with this request, “Lord, thank you for your open hand, especially when I’m close-fisted. Thanks for your warmth when my heart grows cold. Thank you for your attraction that overtakes my distraction. Bend me YET don’t break me.”

With honest exposure,


Readers! Your turn!

Please kindly share your wisdom and reflections from this post.

Let us discover light together!

But you didn’t even do the minimum-so stingy with me, so closefisted. Yet you haven’t been stingy with your sins. You’ve been plenty generous with them-and I’m fed up (Is. 43:24 MSG).

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