He denied it and said, “I am not!” (John 18:15-27).
If someone included my blunders in a book, I could only hope those published casualties would be limited to three. Peter is remembered for denying Jesus three times. Sometimes we forget that Peter was also the rock that Jesus chose to build his church and tend his lambs.
Yes, those three betrayals cost Jesus his life on earth, but I relate to Peter when I lack commitment to stand for Jesus in the face of fear. God guides me to change my ways for the better, but I’ve disregarded his advice, more that three times.
There’re those situations when I know I should, but…
There are people who I’m challenged to have kinder thoughts about, but….
Gratefully, my denials haven’t resulted in someone’s physical death. Fortunately, unlike Peter’s negative publicity, my misguided decisions aren’t written in a best seller like the Bible.
My proverbial get out of jail card doesn’t exempt me from taking inventory of my actions, or lack of actions. If I overheard somebody talk about me, how would I respond? What would someone write if they wrote my biography? Perspective!
I wonder if Peter ever considered how impactful his witness would become for all generations? One person makes history. One conversation impacts someone, or several people. One denial can change the world.
Jesus, remind me that you are the Author of our universe. Help me be loyal in a way that makes you pleased.
Smiles through the trials, not denials,
Reader! Your turn.
If you read a book about yourself, what would you want to see in print?
What would you hope would not be written or spoken about the way you show up for life?
For 5-minute audio clips, go to You Tube: A Slice of PIE with Christina Mae