Jumping from the lily pad into an ocean
I am energized from the craft of writing. It’s a spiritual boost of caffeine and lately I haven’t regularly steeped in that literary jolt. As a result, some of my joy has been depleted. As I was tracing the source of this dark funk, I discovered a sharp lightning bolt of revelation. I stopped writing as often because I haven’t created an outlet for its finished product. I journal large segments to express myself but those entries are not for public consumption. I have several orphaned pieces waiting for a home, eager to be placed on the waiting to be adopted list. Those words have full hearts, great spirit, a tremendous need to be heard. However, I’ve kept that collection of sentences, paragraphs, and pages locked inside the safe walls of my journal. I fear that my waif words would be rejected by audiences that may judge my viewpoint or assume they understand what is inside of me.
I recently began participating in the 52 Virtues Project to develop the best version of myself. http://www.52virtues.com/virtues/the-virtues-project.php This week’s featured virtue is courage. As a leap of courage, I am birthing The FROG BLOG. FROG is an acronym for Fully Rely On God. With courage, I’m making myself vulnerable (and stronger) by placing my words on the adoption table, the reading auction block. As the “mother” of these heartstrings, whether I’m the only one who reads about each birth blog or a particular blog goes viral, I will FROG my way.
With courage, Christina