Happy Views Day!
My weekly response to this Year of Courage (aka 52 “What you may not know about me”)
All I want for Christmas 2021: Wal-Mart gift cards. (Seriously, for real)
Merry Christmas and a Peaceful Year of Abundance,
Happy Views Day!
My weekly response to this Year of Courage (aka 52 “What you may not know about me”)
All I want for Christmas 2021: Wal-Mart gift cards. (Seriously, for real)
Merry Christmas and a Peaceful Year of Abundance,
I’m preparing for next week’s solo, silent, writing retreat. I’m investing that time to practice my word for this year. Decipher. In my “new lease on life” vision, I’ve chosen to ask myself, “What is my motive?” This motivational reflection includes all facets of my life. Money and time; relationships and community outreach; writing projects…
“But for him who is joined to all the living there is hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion. For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten” (Eccl 9:4-5 Gideon Bible). I perk…
Happy Views Day! Today is #4 of my year’s worth of sharing a “not readily known about the author” fact: Favorite veggies: Celery topped with peanut butter Chopped broccoli drizzled with olive oil Green beans and fresh mushrooms sprinkled with dill Red peppers dipped with spicy hummus A walk through the garden of life, Christina
Happy Views Day! I’ve shared 30 facts you may, or may not know, about me during this Year of Courage. I began posting these weekly Acts of Courage August 1, 2021. I’ve been surprised at how many new people and stories I’ve met online. Thank you for this unexpected treasure! #31 Favorite beverage (in addition…
Cain and Abel. Can and able. I see my nature in Adam and Eve’s sons, Cain and Abel. Cain worked the land. Abel tended the flocks. When offering time came to present their God-given harvest, Cain brought a seedy portion of his produce. Abel stocked a butcher block full of his animals’ first born. Scripture…
My mission is to spread sunshine, one smile at a time. Woman’s World magazine will publish one of my stories related to this mission. You can get the February 12, 2024 issue on sale February 2nd-8th. I recorded new 5-minute audio clips on “A Slice of PIE with Christina Mae.” These sound bites reflect something…