In my January 20th FROG Blog post YET – Guest Star Coaching, I told you that my 2023 word for the year is YET. So far, these are some ways I’ve observed and practiced Yet.
-I may not have control of outcomes YET I always have choices. When I step out of my logical box or get stuck in my Plan A mode, I see I have more choices than I realize.
-How do I currently use what I have now while I wait for YETS to evolve?
-How do I show up for life now I wait for YET?
-I’ve been using my wait times to read, ask questions, take classes, utilize online resources, and engage in life’s classroom. These will prepare me for what is YET to come.
-I may not completely trust (due to fear, unbelief), YET I can try. Trust and try. Try and trust. Many good choices. Lord, make my decisions wise.
-My daily journal holds a record of YETS. Prayer requests waiting to be answered. Unexplainable praise experiences. I wrap myself in life’s colorful coats of assorted shades.
There’s more to come, YET for now, I’ll encourage you to embrace every day of your 2023 adventure.
With appreciation for our literary connection and conversations YET to happen,
Readers! Your turn!
What recent changes have you made?
What alterations have you addressed or plan to face?
We can cheer each other forward when you add your input in the comment section. If you prefer a one-on-one phone conversation, please send me a private message at Christina M. Eder-Author Facebook or my website
P.S. My website is in a YET phase. I’m grateful for Tom at Passion Spring Media who’s using his creative brilliance to rebrand the site (soon to become Christina M. Eder). For now, please visit the current site with a gentle lens.