The library is one of my favorite outlets for countless reasons. It’s a hub for workshops, author talks, computer assistance, copier services, DVD and book rentals. Librarians and library workers are unsung heroes.

Our small-town library lists an itemized price on the checkout receipt to show how much a patron saves by renting that resource. For example, I rented two DVD’s and at the bottom of my receipt, it showed I saved $45 compared to what it would have cost if I bought those DVD’s.  

I’ve read about increases in library closures because of lack of funds or resources. I recognize how vital libraries are to me, especially as an author. When our library temporarily closed during 2019-2020, I went through somewhat of a grieving process.

I decided to keep track of my library checkout receipts. When I realized I saved between $50-$300 in most months, I started writing checks back to the library for part, or all, of what I saved.  My contribution won’t necessarily keep libraries fully funded, but I can do what I can.

Thank you to everyone who supports our libraries, authors, book suppliers!

Sending literary kindness to our world,


Reader! Your turn.

How often do you utilize a library?

What service or resource you appreciate most?

How can we support our libraries and authors?

For 5-minute audio clips, go to You Tube: A Slice of PIE with Christina Mae

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