Happy Views Day!
An inside peak from the FROG Blog: #5 fact for a “Year of Getting to Know the Author”:
Musical Instruments I’ve learned to play:
In tune, Christina
Happy Views Day!
An inside peak from the FROG Blog: #5 fact for a “Year of Getting to Know the Author”:
Musical Instruments I’ve learned to play:
In tune, Christina
Good Friday! I sent a few Easter cards this week and just finished one to a forty (plus) year friend. Allisa and I met in grade school and have swum life’s lazy river lily pads and whitewater rafting currents. During Easter fasting, praying, and preparation, I realize she is a three-day Easter friend. Allisa and…
“Talk low, talk slow, and don’t talk much” -John Wayne With a rise in organic food production and utilizing natural resources, I’m intrigued that our communication processes don’t match this growing trend. I use a flip phone (yes, I’m writing and living this statement in 2018), check email and voice mail twice a day, and…
What is your Daddy’s job? When you ask children this question, often they’ll tell you where their dad works or what tasks he does at his job. A man in our community is well-known by his job and generosity to our town. When I saw him with his preschool daughter, I asked her, “What does…
Happy Views Day! Last week, I received the largest reader response from my weekly posts about a Year of Active Courage. On December 7th, I wrote my only material Christmas wish this year. That three-word answer generated multiple stories and memories. I appreciate your thoughtful input. This week’s insider look at what matters to me:…
Seven strikes and you’re out? Baseball regulations allow three missed swings before the batter takes the bench. Pilate sat at the governor’s throne when his people brought Jesus to him during festival time. Pilate’s custom was to release one prisoner based on crowd vote. There happened to be a well-known prisoner named Jesus Barabbas in…
Deposits. Withdrawals. I looked through my bills with a shocking reality. This month, several expenses come from what I consider fear-based charges. Car insurance. House rental insurance. Dental insurance. Vision insurance. Health insurance. We live in a culture where we can buy insurance for nearly anything. From art to pets to body parts. From computer…
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