I’d like you to meet my mom.
It’s time to introduce you to my family.
Meet the parents.
These statements can produce multiple reactions, especially among couples who’ve been dating and have yet to meet each other’s families.
After my mom moved to heaven in 2015, I’ve connected with people who I wish could have met my mom while she was on earth. Whenever I cross paths with someone that I want her to meet in heaven, I tell them.
I say something to the effect, “You’re going to relate well with Mom. Just wait until we get to heaven, she’ll love you!” That person maybe could link mom’s mission with theirs. She’d eagerly listen when someone trusted her with their life story. Perhaps she’d offer one of her classic pep talks.
I’m not sure what life after death looks like. None of us can infallibly prove, or disprove, the afterlife experience because we haven’t experienced it yet. Rather than theorize or pontificate, I soothe my loneliness of missing loved ones when I picture us in heaven.
I envision what Jesus will look like. How will He welcome me into His home? I imagine our introductions, reintroductions, conversations. People leave a hole on earth, but this heavenly visualization reminds me that this temporary life is a dress rehearsal for our eternal encore.
The more revolutions I take around the sun, I watch more people complete their life cycle. To cope with their loss, I muster the courage to stretch toward our heavenly reunion.
And friend, when we reunite, I trust we’ll join Jesus and Mom at a quaint table on a sunny patio. I hope she has a large batch of her signature shrimp salad and blueberry cheesecake for us to share. They’re to die for!
Pressing forward on the lily pad of life,
For our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil 3:20).
Reader! Your turn!
How do you dig for hope when hurt, loneliness, and disappointment surface?
What and/or who are you most excited to see when you reach the gates of eternity?
In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:2 NKJV).