With one book at the publisher, one book on my editor’s desk, and several publication deadlines laced into the month of Christmas, I needed to ground myself in truth: there’s a time for everything, but not everything all at once.
To every season turn, turn, turn, turn. I took time to create today’s FROG blog from Eccl. 3:1-8. This is my version of an Author’s Living Translation to keep priorities in check.
A time for “In the Beginning,”
A time for “The End;”
A time to query,
A time to publish;
A time to let a storyline die,
A time to resurrect a plotline;
A time for drafting,
A time for editing;
A time to celebrate a contact,
A time to handle a rejection letter;
A time to read tragedy,
A time to read comedy;
A time to buy books,
A time to sell books;
A time for writer’s flow,
A time for writer’s block;
A time for researching,
A time for writing;
A time for creative writing,
A time for technical writing;
A time to read others’ writing,
A time to have my writing read;
A time to interview,
A time to be interviewed;
A time for novels,
A time for magazines;
A time for writer’s conferences,
A time for writer’s retreats;
Readers, it’s your time! What proactive strategies do you utilize to best manage your activities without spinning aimlessly around? To every season turn, turn, turn, turn from the FROG blog.