This is the final piece from my Zowie turn of events on the FROG Blog: Lily Pad of Life Lessons. Part 1 posted March 3. Part 2 posted March 13.
…year journey of a newly published author. I planned to handwrite them and print a small book diary. I set off in that direction and that’s where divine guidance intersected with zowie.
“Zowie guidance” indicated that instead of writing pieces from my 2019-2021 journals, I would be using my God talks from this nine-month reflection as a launch pad for my Knee Deep book. Knee Deep is to be published before Tadpoles or Poetry Pod.

A paraphrased response from my “zowie guidance”…
What? You mean some of my Creator Chats may potentially be printed? For the world to access? For the general public to read? To be viewed by most people who don’t even know me? Lord! In no way have I begun this reflective nine-month expedition with the intent to have some of my Creator Chats published!
You know those letters beginning in October contain some insights too powerful for me to comprehend right now. There are recent sucker punches which are too painful to process. Some Creator Chats are so mundane that I could use them as a sleep aid, but not to publish!
God, It’s one thing to practice courage. It’s another thing to be courageously wise. I think You’ve developed enough wisdom in me to refrain from foolishly opening our conversations to possibly guide others! I don’t want people to read me like a book, pun intended. Zowie!
I need to live in the here and now. If I am to honor my Creator and live what FROG represents (Fully Rely on God), then I need to say yes and fulfill my promise. I hear the now. I shudder. I don’t know the later. I shudder at the thought of later. Zowie.

Sometime after July 16, 2020, I trust that I will review this literary time capsule of conversations with God. For now, I know that whatever transpires between here and now will become part of the Knee Deep book.
For now, I know that I am to continue handwriting my daily Creator Chats and immediately file the letters in my chronologically ordered accordion file (before re-reading, before editing). For now, I know that nearly each letter begins with Thank You. For now, I know the Tadpoles and Poetry Pod projects are resting on the FROG’s lily pad until 2021.
For now, I know I fiercely question this guidance, yet I’m resolved. I know, for now, I’m to continue our chats from the natural undiluted flow of my heart. I am to write for my Audience of One.
For now, I know I struggle to avoid the temptation to filter my Creator Chats. For now, I know I fear He’ll later ask me to write parts of our conversations.
There are more zowie moments from this project realignment. For now, those details may be a story for later. For now, I breathe deeply to post online what will come later.
Word count, in 500 words or less. One word. Zowie.