G.U.E.S.T. Star Life Coaching

Goal Setting

What does G.U.E.S.T. Star Coaching offer?

  • Support to discover answers from within
  • Aligning goals and actions with core values
  • Co-creating a plan to accomplish growth in a particular area
  • A confidential neutral sounding board
  • Collaboration during life-changing decisions
  • A challenge to expand views beyond original perception
  • Encouragement, celebrating progress together
  • Networking and resource marketing

Specialized experience in transitions:

  • Weight Loss & Nutrition
  • Parenting, Especially for people raising youth ages 12-22
  • Hospice & Grief
  • Job change
  • Educational shifts
  • Dreams & Goals

What G.U.E.S.T. Star Coaching is NOT:

A consultant. A consultant is often a specialist in a particular area hired to give recommendations, solve a particular problem, or address a specific issue. Coaching is holistic as each client examines the situation, creates a plan with their life coach, and then works side by side to resolve or enhance the challenge.

A therapist, counselor, or psychologist.  Therapeutic intervention tends to focus on feelings and experiences of past events, featuring their work in moving toward a different functioning level. Life coaching is oriented toward goal setting, moving a presently emotionally healthy person forward.

A mentor. Fun fact: the term mentor originates from Homer’s Odyssey. The character, Mentor, bestows his knowledge, wisdom, and counsel on Telemachus, Odysseus’s son. Telemachus, Mentor’s student, is older and more experienced, therefore, he looks up to him, seeking advice and guidance. A life coach supports and draws upon the wisdom of the client, guiding them as they extract inner resources.

  • Support to discover answers from within
  • Aligning goals and actions with core values
  • Co-creating a plan to accomplish growth in a particular area
  • A confidential neutral sounding board
  • Collaboration during life-changing decisions
  • The challenge to expand views beyond original perception
  • Encouragement, celebrating progress together
  • Networking and resource marketing

What G.U.E.S.T. Star Coaching is NOT:

A consultant. A consultant is often a specialist in a particular area hired to give recommendations, solve a particular problem, or address a specific issue. Coaching is holistic as each client examines the situation, creates a plan with their life coach, and then works side by side to resolve or enhance the challenge.

A therapist, counselor, or psychologist.  Therapeutic intervention tends to focus on feelings and experiences of past events, featuring their work in moving toward a different functioning level. Life coaching is oriented toward goal setting, moving a presently emotionally healthy person forward.

A mentor. Fun fact: the term mentor originates from Homer’s Odyssey. The character, Mentor, bestows his knowledge, wisdom, and counsel on Telemachus, Odysseus’s son. Telemachus, Mentor’s student, is older and more experienced, therefore, he looks up to him, seeking advice and guidance. A life coach supports and draws upon the wisdom of the client, guiding them as they extract inner resources.

  • Support to discover answers from within
  • Aligning goals and actions with core values
  • Co-creating a plan to accomplish growth in a particular area
  • A confidential neutral sounding board
  • Collaboration during life-changing decisions
  • The challenge to expand views beyond original perception
  • Encouragement, celebrating progress together
  • Networking and resource marketing

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