Last year, I rented a charming small house, or at least I thought it was a small house. With a small yard.

It’s walking distance from our quaint Main Street and there’s a tremendous river trail, just minutes from my house.

When my landlord showed me this property, I was drawn to its original hardwood floors throughout the house. The sunroom has a cobblestone floor that resembles something from an Italian bistro.

Lots of windows on all sides of the house.

Plenty of lush grass and landscaping.

I eagerly signed the lease and was thrilled to score this home. I’m still pleased with my decision.

The caveat? In 14 months, I’ve learned that small is a relevant perception.

I’m someone who appreciates and keeps a clean, minimally furnished home. I soon discovered how large 1100 square feet can become after I swept all those magnificent hardwood floors.  When I saw how many Swiffer pads I used, my small house seemed to expand.

Remember how I told you about those large windows on every side of my house? Yup! Those double pane windows require a lot of cleaner and towels, not to mention my rate of glass streaks remains significant.

And all that luscious grass and landscape? I didn’t realize I was responsible for lawn care when I signed the lease. I either needed to buy a mower and yard tools, or hire someone to care for the (cough cough) small yard. I hired a young man in the neighborhood and added his lawn work bill to my weekly budget.

Do I still appreciate my house? Yes!

Am I grateful for generously kind neighbors and location? Absolutely!

I offer a suggestion for those of you who are getting ready to rent or buy a new living space. Ask your potential landlord or realtor if you can live in your prospective housing at least one week before you sign any contract.

If they agree to your trial offer, use that week to mop and vacuum the floors. Wash the windows. Mow the grass.

Pay attention to your time, effort, supplies, and cost for each house task. Take notes and when your test run is over, consider your decision.  All choices come with responsibility.

I’ve gotten unexpected benefits from this small house, including an in-home fitness center. Its upkeep blends my fitness walks with cross-training equipment such as a broom and mop. I work my arm muscles and listen to great tunes while I clean. Plus, my lawn maintenance person has become a planted angel, and this seasonal gig offers him job security. 

That’s no small change.

I encourage you to make whatever change you need to support your large vision, for the long-term lease on your life.

I jump off the FROG Blog to head to Dollar Tree to get supplies to clean my small home.



Lover of Handwritten Notes, Hobby Lobby yarn, and dark chocolate almonds

Reader! Your turn!

What discovery have you made when a small decision impacted you significantly?

Please share your insights with us so we can learn from each other!

The little you had before I came has increased greatly, and the Lord has blessed you wherever I have been. But now, when may I do something for my own household?”
(Genesis 30: 30).

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