Grab a book, a piece of fresh strawberry shortcake and take yourself to a quiet space for a literary vacation.
The following excerpt comes from Knee Deep: a 9-Month Whirlpool of Handwritten Letters to the Creator, my 4th published book.
Knee Deep’s back story is written in the book. It’s my most vulnerable work I shared with readers and secretly hoped its publishing process would be delayed. Ironically, Knee Deep published quickly, I’ve marketed it least, yet out of my 6 books, it’s gotten the most reviews.
I’ve posted excerpts from Life’s Too Short for Dull Razors, Cheap Pens and Worn-Out Underwear; FROG Blog: Learning on a Lily Pad and Unthawed under the FROG Blog tab at and Facebook (search Christina M. Eder)
Any of my six books can be purchased in various formats on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kindle and other online stores.
Thank you for your discernment between contemplation and rumination. When I’m tempted to over-think or over-articulate, you recommended getting one sheet of scrap paper to write my thoughts in rough draft format.
Writing slows my thinking because it takes more effort to process thoughts from head to paper. I found that when I see my thoughts written in my own script, I can stop the cycle of overthinking. It’s good to think. It can become dangerous to overthink 😉
Less words from me, more power to you! Love, Christina
Thank you for reminding me that loyal friendship doesn’t mean continual communication. Consistency doesn’t equal frequency. Sometimes a gradual trickle is more appreciated than a few floods of connection.
Some people have a natural ebb and flow in maintaining friendships. They are energized by significant interaction. I require considerable space and prefer one-on-one short visits. Help me respect natural boundaries. Teach me to accept myself as a faithful friend who needs space and time to process. I know your spirit understands what I mean!
Love to my provider, sustainer, encourager, savior, and forever loyal friend,
Felicity (author note: Felicity is my pseudo name when I’ve discovered something significant to me)
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