I’m reading a dynamic book by Lynda Lambert called, “Walking by Inner Vision” Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poems: Lambert, Lynda McKinney: 9781543121629: Amazon.com: Books Lynda writes with a courage to dig deep. She invites readers to grab a life that offers long-term value.
A special note about Lynda Lambert. She lost her eyesight in 2007 from a rare form of Optic Neuropathy. Her loss of vision doesn’t stop her from showing us brilliance. Lynda uses artful strands of ancient mythology, history, and subtle nuances about contemporary life.
This morning, I read her reflection about waking after a freshly fallen snow in Pennsylvania. Lynda talked about her mom in the 1950’s. She recalled how her mom’s wardrobe consisted of crisp housedresses and gingham aprons.

Whenever it snowed, she’d spend her day baking pies, breads and chocolate chip cookies. When her four children came home from school, they indulged in oven-generated heat, scents, and tastes of freshly baked goodies.
This 1950’s memory led me to consider how life has changed over 70 years. Lynda’s mom had a different task list than we have today. She didn’t spend much of her day as a shuttle driver. Her method of email, media updates and scrolling may have been a stroll to the mailbox or a neighborly chat.

She probably read the news in paper form. People got a daily newspaper, not an hourly one. I have a hunch Lynda’s mom didn’t get her coffee from Starbucks or Dunkin.
This 1950’s mom didn’t create side hustles to monetize her culinary, cleaning, or childcare tasks. I think about job evolution and communication.
Before Pony Express. Before Fed Ex. Before phones and internet. People talked face to face. If someone needed to share news or their heart, they went directly to a person.
I believe there were less layers to connect with a live person. How often do we hear someone on hold for a customer service representative and say, “I hope I can speak to a real person!” (This comes after they’ve made it through the automated option labyrinth).
We maintain whatever we create. Texts, news, voicemails. We create passwords, promos, and posts. We check finances, maps, events, and weather online. More! Faster!
Stop! Are we more connected or more disconnected?
We’ve added communicative methods and devices. That being the case, how has the rate of loneliness and suicide increased? Has insulation made way for isolation?

I don’t attempt to pontificate or theorize. I do pause to appreciate how vital it is for me to walk by inner vision as Lynda Lambert writes in her book. She inspires me to see life from a wider lens, despite her physical sight loss.
I have more questions than answers. Ironically, I finish this FROG blog with an invitation to go online and search Lynda McKinney Lambert Lynda McKinney Lambert – American Author – Poetry – Non-Fiction – Personal Essays – Memoirs (lyndalambert.com). I trust you’ll find something that will positively inspire and encourage you today.
With gratitude for past lessons and future blessin’s,
Lover of snail mail, Hobby Lobby yarn, and Wal-Mart gift cards
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