But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works” (James 4:18 NIV).
Ah yes. The classic chicken and egg dispute. Which came first? Was faith and works the political biblical debate?
In James 4, there’s a discussion between Mosaic Law believers and Christian believers. Both groups believed in something but not the same thing. They argued between faith or works. Which is greater? Which is more important? Which side does God reside?

James’s text offers insight. Mosaic Law required people to follow external rules. Christ’s Liberty Law guides Christians through His spirit. Jesus speaks trust into action, His ultimate buy one, give one offer. He bought our souls on the Cross. God gave His only Son.
As His children, we can’t attain more love, votes, or trust from Him based on what we do. He offers the gift of faith so we can act upon that trust. It’s the Lord’s platform speech. Both parties win when we vote and live by how God promises to lead.
Active trust in God empowers me to quell selfish desires so I can (and hopefully will) become mature. I then get to capitalize on His buy one, get One win. God’s campaign sign points me to faith and action.
Eternally reelected,