I attended a co-ed wedding shower for a couple who’s planning a Christmas wedding.
Most guests were couples in their mid-to-late 20’s, including the engaged couple. They were all on extremely limited budgets. The future bride and groom requested gifts that didn’t involve traditional shopping. They wanted creative, low-to-no-cost, preferably non-regifted presents only.
I was amazed to see what presents these guests brought. Someone had compiled the couple’s favorite songs, pictures, and inspirational stories about marriage and put it on a flash drive. Someone else created a scrapbook with Christmas recipes, best movies, light displays and activities within an hour of their town.

My favorite gift idea was from a married couple who gave a one-year supply of “Top 10 Monthly Date Ideas.” They decorated 12 recycled frosting containers and used wide popsicle sticks to write activities appropriate for that month.
They attached a seasonal cutout at the top of each popsicle stick to represent that month’s holiday. For example, the sticks for January were topped with snowmen, hearts for February, and shamrocks for March.
The couple included picnic options and firework shows for July’s date ideas. October’s suggestions included corn mazes, pumpkin patches, and fall color routes.
What I appreciated most about this “Top 10 Dates” gift was how the man and woman each wrote 5 activities for the month. The engaged couple took turns reading the date sticks and animated discussions followed.

Men and women contributed to this lively conversation that outlasted party games. The wedding shower wrapped up an hour later than the invitation’s end time.
With the Christmas season upon us, that party encouraged lighthearted spirit. I considered, “How can I use my creativity to give meaning full and money less gifts? Not only at Christmas, but whenever I want to give someone a little something special to celebrate their life.
Before we jump off the FROG Blog, I extend warm thanks to these wedding shower guests who inspired me to use my imaginative gifts. We bypassed tight budgets and packaged Christmas with our unlimited creativity. God used child-like wonder to bless my stockings off!
Reader! Let’s turn on some Christmas music and share our most meaning full and money less creative ideas with each other.
What’s the most creative gift you’ve given?
What is the most unique present you’ve been given?
Let’s market a kindhearted Christmas spirit every day,
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