
Why did you write THAT?

I’m sometimes amused by which details authors include in their published content.  One of my editors reminds me if any word doesn’t move the plot, delete it. I read the book of Chronicles and it’s heavily weighted with names and numbers. When I read Chronicles and Numbers in the bible, I typically skim much of…


Seven strikes and you’re out? Baseball regulations allow three missed swings before the batter takes the bench. Pilate sat at the governor’s throne when his people brought Jesus to him during festival time. Pilate’s custom was to release one prisoner based on crowd vote. There happened to be a well-known prisoner named Jesus Barabbas in…


Sometimes people say, “Give me the news. The good, the bad, the ugly.” I’ve begun to update this phrase. Instead of the good, bad, and ugly, I consider the good, different, and unexpected.  I find this mental shift unshackles me from limited perceptions. Just because a situation turns out differently than I intended doesn’t make…


“Who are your competitors?” This was a question from my business’s new web designer. I was unsure how to answer his question. I’ve discovered how writing, life coaching, and speaking arenas can be highly competitive. I’ve also encountered rich loyalty for other’s lifework. Sometimes, I feel unqualified, unnoticed, or underestimated. However, this diminished sense of…


When Lasix surgery was introduced, people wanted to know how effective the procedure worked. Ophthalmology industries depended on referrals to expand their business. What would the industry look like if eye surgeons told their patients to remain silent after their successful Lasix operation? How would people explain why they no longer wore glasses or contacts?…


What is your motive? What is your purpose? We live in a fallen world motivated by self-help, self-serve, self-made humans. We want what’s best. Best for who? Best of what? Best according to which benchmarks? Matthew 9 included examples of Jesus’s best. He healed a paralyzed man; ate with tax collectors. He revived a dead…


God’s greatest accomplishment is that He always gets the last word. I hesitate to admit defeat or weakness, especially when I’ve packed grandiose plans into my adventure-filled day. I embark on a trail, eager to fulfill my mission. I anticipate a catwalk but sometimes find myself on a skunk chase. Through my misguided direction, I…


“That’ll separate the men from the boys.” In demanding situations, I often hear that challenge statement.  Compared to boys, men are generally stronger, smarter, more courageous. I base a person’s strength on their ability to make sound decisions in chaotic circumstances. I consider a resourceful person to be resilient during, and after, unexpected twists. A…


But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works” (James 4:18 NIV). Ah yes. The classic chicken and egg dispute. Which came first? Was faith and works the political biblical debate? In James 4, there’s a…


RIP. I visualize a figurative tombstone. Rest In Peace. I’m in situational circumstances where my weakness nearly buries me. My typical self-control has been replaced with unfamiliar abrasiveness. “When you can’t change your situation, you can change your character.” I agree. My disposition has become shady, and I’ve fallen behind a spiritual eclipse. I feverishly…