Today’s FROG Blog comes from inspirations from Michael Todd’s Early Arrivals message (Michael Todd Early Arrivals – Search Videos ( My friend Janyce gifted me with this CD series.
In Early Arrivals, Michael Todd serves a buffet of nourishment. Some of the quotes that caught my attention:
- We find ourselves in a waiting room that requires much patience.
- While we wait, stop worrying and start asking, “What am I to learn from this wait?”
- Choose patience, not panic.
- Choose to win, not whine.
- How long you wait determines how well you wait.
Last year, I attended several funerals. This year, I wait for grief relief. I wait with people who seek healing.
Whatever causes you to wait today, I believe we share a spirit of anticipation. Something different, something new. Hopefully something uplifting.
2023 was my year of YET. In January of last year, when I chose my word of the year, I had no clue how intense I’d train for YET!
I don’t see x YET. I don’t understand y YET. I haven’t received z YET.
YET God.
During this intense testing and discovery phase, I’ve learned:
I want to move from here to there. However, God wants me to stop moving and wait for HIM to move. Eeks.
- I’m in a temporary financial canyon. I recognize I need my faith and patience more than ever. I can stretch a pouch of tuna, a can of green beans, and Dollar Tree gift cards. It’s harder to stretch my trust and peace.
- Sometimes trust comes in gulps. Sometimes peace shows up after multiple deep breaths and many walk- and-talks with God in nature!
- I have a sense that God’s telling me, “Christina! Before I move you toward higher elevations, I want you to know who you are because of who I am. Do not grow weary doing good. You just haven’t seen it yet.”
Whew! Much to take in.
My courageous words don’t match my feelings YET. I share this process because I want you to be part of my celebration of what is YET to come. To celebrate with you when your YET comes.
Today appears somewhat gory. For tomorrow (and the next day and the next day….), I must trust that I’ll see God’s glory.
Reader! Your turn!
What or who have you been waiting for? How long has the wait been?
What have you learned during your wait?
What strategies help you face the chasm between now and when?
Please include your best insight in the comment section so we can support each other. Please keep your input kind and family friendly.
From gory to Glory, until next time….
Lover of snail mail, hazelnut coffee, and Dollar Tree gift cards
For an audio version of this FROG Blog, you can go to ( A Slice Of Pie With Christina Mae |