Rita Reali, JC and his layout/publishing team are finishing my most vulnerable writing assignment, Knee Deep. Red Paint Spilman is busy in his art studio creating this cover while Dottie Justice, Peaches and a small circle of others are part of my advisory team. They allow me to brainstorm my diverse project ideas and offer wise input. I’m eternally grateful for them!

Knee Deep is a collection of letters to my Creator from October 20, 2019-July 16, 2020. I intended Knee Deep to be the final book in this 5-book FROG Blog series. Instead, I was thrown a curve ball and it will become third of the five.

The books I’ve published so far have required bravery, tenacity, tough lessons in the publishing world., etc. In no way was I prepared to open myself up to share some of these vulnerable letters that I write as part of my daily routine. However, in my spirit, I know I am acting on obedience that surpasses my understanding.

Photo by Tim Samuel on Pexels.com

Typically, when I launch a new book, I offer news about what’s to come. I post excerpts from each book and give updates as we near publishing. I admit that I’ve kept a low profile about Knee Deep.  I’m feverishly working to move from shaking knees into trust that overpowers my qualms.

Knee Deep isn’t a trashy piece. Nobody is getting exposed or injured (other than my honest heart). There is no PG-13 material or graphic details. Knee Deep is “simply” a collection of Creator chats over a nine-month span. (For this full story, go to www.gueststarcoaching.com under FROG Blog and see March 2020’s posts titled, “Zowie”).

Our team is deciding on the subtitle for Knee Deep. When Red Paint has finished crafting another of his spectacular book covers in this FROG Blog series, I will post that. I anticipate that posting at the end of January or beginning of February. Yes, of this year. Promise. Gulp. 😊).

Until then, I will write bi-weekly FROG Blogs. I also use my Facebook site to feature authors and resources that feature writing and creativity. You can find me on Facebook at Christina M. Eder-Author. I support positive, life giving writing, so please share only caring, kind and family-friendly material!

Thank you for continuing to cheer me forward on a FROG’s lily pad of life,


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One Comment

  1. I am enjoying your posts so much, Christina. I like the visuals you put with each writing, too.
    And, that you have a team to work with sounds just wonderful. Your writing is elegant and so touching – I expect to read a lot more in the future. Lynda

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